4 Situations That Require Calling Up an Auto Locksmith

Posted on: 20 April 2017

You probably know that you should call up an auto locksmith if you accidentally lock your keys inside or you lose your car key, but there are also some other situations that might require a little help from a locksmith. Here are some important times when it is time to call a locksmith for help.

Your Car Was Broken Into

If your car is broken into, regardless of how you think they gained access, it is always safest to call up a locksmith and have the ignition rekeyed. This is especially important if your car was stolen and you can't find your car key, which most likely means they stole your key and still have it. Even if your car was not stolen, they might still have the key and know they can unlock the door and drive off with your car at any time. It is worth the money you spend having a locksmith rekey the ignition and making some extra keys for you.

The Key Broke in the Ignition

While you might be able to get the key out of the ignition, it is probably broken and still needs to be replaced. Keys that are older or get accidentally bent have a tendency to get stuck in the ignition eventually. This might also happen if your kids are playing in your car or with the key and cause damage to it. You should call up an auto locksmith to help you get it safely out, as this ensures no more damage is done to the ignition while trying to remove the key. They will then make you another copy of your car key if yours is broken.

You Buy a Used Vehicle

This might not be something everyone does, but it is highly recommended when you don't know the person you bought a used vehicle from. Even if they claim to have given you all copies of the car key, there is really no way to know if that's true. Just like when you change the locks when you move into a new home, you should consider changing the ignition key in your vehicle when you purchase it used.

Program a Key Fob

If you are having issues with your key fob working to unlock the doors or use the car alarm, it might need to be reprogrammed. An auto locksmith is able to handle this type of job quickly and easily. Whether you accidentally messed up the programming or got a new alarm that needs to be connected to the fob, a locksmith like Rivercity Locksmiths Pty Ltd can come out and help you.


Colin's Construction Tips

Hello, my name is Colin and this is my construction blog. I am not a construction professional but I do take a keen interest in how to design and build different aspects of a residential home. My interest was sparked when I decided to install an extension on the back of my home in Sydney, Australia. I called in a couple of expert contractors who guided me through the entire process. I learnt so much that after the work was complete, I continued to read and research things. I decided to start this blog to help out others who are interested in construction.

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