Asphalt Roofs Vs Metal Roofs: A Guide for the Novice

Posted on: 26 April 2017

There is a lot to consider when selecting new or replacement roofing materials for your home. Essentially, there are mainly two types of roofing materials that are most revered by many homeowners for their superiority in performance compared to other materials. These are asphalt and metal. Both of these roofing materials are excellent roofing solutions for your home but many people, especially newbies to roofing materials find it hard choosing between the two. If you are one of them, here are a few things to make your decision less difficult.


Weight is a major concern whenever you are choosing a roofing material. The weight of the roof will determine the kind of support structure you may have. A roof that is too heavy can strain the underlying structure. In some cases, building regulations may even define the maximum allowable weight of a roof. Asphalt shingles are generally heavier than metal roofs. This can affect transport and installation. If you are considering roofing over an existing roof, a metal roof would be the most appropriate solution. The weight of asphalt shingles on another roof can be detrimental.


Cost is also crucial when choosing a roofing material. Usually, asphalt roofs will have lower upfront costs so if you have budget concerns, they would be the better option. However, asphalt roofs are susceptible to various conditions so your maintenance costs may be higher in the long run.


Everyone needs their roofs to last a lifetime. Asphalt roofs tend to lack substantial durability compared to their metal counterparts. This is because the asphalt shingles have a tendency to falter under inclement weather. In hot climates, the ceramic granules in the asphalt coating may be damaged by the ultraviolet rays from the sun. In addition, extreme levels of heat can result in the shingles curling at the edges. Also, if your area experiences drastic temperature variations, the expansion and contraction of the shingles caused by such conditions can result in cracking, which will in turn cause leaks in your roof. It is for such reasons that asphalt shingles are better suited for cooler climates. If you live in such an area and would wish to select asphalt, go for the ones with more thickness because they tend to be more durable. Metal roofs on the other hand are highly durable because they are insusceptible to such conditions and will survive across all seasons.

Making Repairs

Making repairs once in a while on your roof will be necessary. Metal roofs are usually available in large sheets or panels. This means that when there is need to repair or even replace areas, it would be slightly more complex to do and may sometimes cost you more. With asphalt, individual shingles can easily be repaired or replaced.

With this guide, you will be in a better position to make an informed decision between the two roofing materials. For more information, talk to a professional like Suncity Roofing & Supplies P/L.


Colin's Construction Tips

Hello, my name is Colin and this is my construction blog. I am not a construction professional but I do take a keen interest in how to design and build different aspects of a residential home. My interest was sparked when I decided to install an extension on the back of my home in Sydney, Australia. I called in a couple of expert contractors who guided me through the entire process. I learnt so much that after the work was complete, I continued to read and research things. I decided to start this blog to help out others who are interested in construction.

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