Fresh and Clean: Top Tips for a Smooth Spring Clean

Posted on: 28 April 2017

Some people find spring cleaning therapeutic; others find it stressful.  Yet more abandon the idea of doing it altogether, presumably because they fall into the latter camp - but really, a big cleanout doesn't have to be a source of stress.  Even if you're not the most organised person and you don't particularly enjoy tidying up, it's entirely possible to make the process at least bearable.  It just takes a little specialist knowledge and preparation.  Maybe they won't all work for everyone - but giving them a try can't hurt.

Hire Additional Bins

If you're going to be throwing out a lot of things - and isn't that the idea? - then the amount of rubbish you end up with can be prohibitive.  It makes your house feel worse than how it was when you started, at least until you can get down to a local tip, or have it removed.  Instead of letting it litter your home and foul your mood, hire additional outdoor bins to store the rubbish for the weekend as you clean.  That way, you won't run out of room to store your litter - and you'll be able to enjoy your progress as you go, too. Bin hire is a great boon when spring cleaning. 

Work in Small Time Units

Motivation is the biggest factor in how successful your cleaning is.  If you're anticipating a long, hard day of work, then you may be low-energy, and accomplish very little.  Instead, promise yourself frequent breaks, and work in small, well-defined sprints.  If it helps, make a playlist of songs that lasts exactly ten or fifteen minutes, and simply work until the last song finishes.  This way, you can be really focused and effective, and you won't tire yourself out either.

Set Specific Goals

It's exactly like making a new year's resolution.  Being broad and trying to change everything at once overloads you, and you'll be unsuccessful.  Making a smaller, more manageable goal will make you feel much better about what you achieve.  For example, don't tell yourself that you'll get the whole house done over the space of one weekend.  Just decide to clear one particular room at a time - and if you get more done than you intended, then all the better for it!  You could combine this with the first tip, too - tell yourself that you'll work enough to fill both the bins you hired.  It's a good yardstick for progress.

If you're dreading spring cleaning enough to look up a guide like this, then chances are you'll never fully enjoy it.  However, with these tips, it will hopefully become a much less torturous process - and the result will be better, too.  Good luck!


Colin's Construction Tips

Hello, my name is Colin and this is my construction blog. I am not a construction professional but I do take a keen interest in how to design and build different aspects of a residential home. My interest was sparked when I decided to install an extension on the back of my home in Sydney, Australia. I called in a couple of expert contractors who guided me through the entire process. I learnt so much that after the work was complete, I continued to read and research things. I decided to start this blog to help out others who are interested in construction.

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