Asphalt Driveways: What are Your Surface Restoration Options?

Posted on: 23 September 2017

Asphalt driveways are highly durable and sturdy. Therefore, they will provide extended service after installation. However, these surfaces are not unfailing or everlasting. Long-term or heavy usage and adverse climatic conditions can take a toll on the pathway. Over time, cracks and potholes will develop, especially if there was minimal maintenance performed. If you have noticed the deterioration of your asphalt driveway, you should consider performing restoration work. The refurbishment will increase aesthetic value and prolong the service life of the structure. Here are the main options you can choose when revamping your asphalt surface:

Crack Sealing

Cracks can develop on asphalt surfaces even with regular maintenance and care. This type of damage is not often prominent after it forms on the roadway. However, if immediate repairs are not carried out, the fractures will spread to other areas. Over time, most of the surface will be damaged, and the aesthetic value of your property will reduce drastically. Fortunately, you can prevent this negative progression by nipping the problem in the bud. If you have noticed a few cracks in your driveway, you should seal the cracks. If the fracture is small, you can repair the damage using a commercial rubberised crack sealant. For larger cracks, cold-mix asphalt can be applied to the fissure and compacted for optimal restoration.

Surface Overlay

If there are numerous cracks and fractures on your asphalt driveway, you should consider overlaying the surface. This repair method is ideal if general wear has compromised the aesthetic value of the pathway, but the internal structure is still sound. In this case, it would be inefficient to attempt to seal all the cracks in the driveway. Surface overlaying is a process which involves applying a fresh layer of asphalt on the old base. In a typical project, the contractor will clean the surface and apply a tack coating to promote adhesion. Then, a hot mix of asphalt will be spread, renewing the appearance. 

Driveway Replacement

Asphalt surfaces with severe damage cannot be repaired using sealing compounds or by overlaying the area. In simple terms, if the underlying structure of the driveway is not in sound condition, you will not get long-term results by repairing the external layer. If this is the case in your property, replacement is your best option. The entire structure must be removed, allowing you to rebuild the driveway by pouring fresh asphalt.

If you are uncertain about the best restoration method for you, you should consult an experienced asphalt laying contractor.


Colin's Construction Tips

Hello, my name is Colin and this is my construction blog. I am not a construction professional but I do take a keen interest in how to design and build different aspects of a residential home. My interest was sparked when I decided to install an extension on the back of my home in Sydney, Australia. I called in a couple of expert contractors who guided me through the entire process. I learnt so much that after the work was complete, I continued to read and research things. I decided to start this blog to help out others who are interested in construction.

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