Two Aspects Of Septic Tank Maintenance That You Should Adhere To Rigorously

Posted on: 27 September 2019

Having a septic tank on your property provides you with major savings when it comes to waste management for your house. This system carries out several tasks including the collection of effluent, the separation of the solids from the scum, the pretreating of the subsequent wastewater and finally the reaction of this waste material into the drain field where the contents undergo further filtration. Thus, with all these moving parts, you must ensure you are providing the septic system with the right maintenance or you could end up having to pay for exorbitant repair costs due to a host of issues. To help you avoid this misfortune, here are two of aspects of septic tank maintenance that you should adhere to rigorously.

Invest in scheduled inspections

A professional should inspect your septic tank system at least once every couple of years. However, the regularity of this is primarily dependent on the number of people in your household, as this is what influences the amount of waste that is being managed on a daily basis. An inspection is critical since the professional will start by investigating any potential leaks or other structural damages that could jeopardise the function of the septic tank system. In addition to this, they will check for the levels of sludge that are accumulating and advise you on what needs to be done. Lastly, the inspector will furnish you with a report that details any repairs that need to be done to maintain the functioning of the system.

Remember to schedule pumping

Septic pumping is not a measure that is required regularly. Thus, it is easy for some homeowners to forget about this aspect of septic tank maintenance only to end up dealing with a biohazard on their hands. As mentioned above, the inspector will check for sludge. This sludge accumulates over a long time, so even if there are levels of it in the tank, it may not be necessary to have it pumped immediately.  Regardless, it is still important to have these levels checked on occasion so that you can know when it is time to have your septic tank pumped. It is critical to bear in mind that foregoing pumping means that waste begins to back up inside the tank, and the effluent could end up being redirected back into your home! Worse yet, the pipes could burst and spew waste products all over your property.


Colin's Construction Tips

Hello, my name is Colin and this is my construction blog. I am not a construction professional but I do take a keen interest in how to design and build different aspects of a residential home. My interest was sparked when I decided to install an extension on the back of my home in Sydney, Australia. I called in a couple of expert contractors who guided me through the entire process. I learnt so much that after the work was complete, I continued to read and research things. I decided to start this blog to help out others who are interested in construction.

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