Characteristics of Vinyl External Cladding That Make It Ideally Suited to Your Custom Build

Posted on: 10 December 2020

When selecting construction supplies for your custom home build, you want to get it right the first time around so that you are not burdened with constant household repairs that are bound to lead to a considerable loss of money. But with the multitude of building materials available, it can be difficult to know what will work best for your forever home. The best way to narrow down your options is to establish qualities that you want these materials to have so that they remain functional for the long term.

When contemplating cladding systems, one material that is bound to meet a majority of your expectations is vinyl. Advancements in the manufacturing of this material for this specific application has provided it with a range of qualities that make it ideally suited to Australia's demanding climatic conditions. Below are just two of the characteristics of vinyl external cladding that make it ideally suited to your custom home build.

Diverse design solutions

A prevailing misconception numerous people have regarding vinyl supplies is that they look like cheap plastic, but this could not be further from the truth. Admittedly, vinyl materials of decades past did not offer much in terms of visual appeal. Nevertheless, over the decades, the aesthetic value of this material has vastly improved, and this can be attributed to two main reasons.

For starters, vinyl external cladding is available in a range of profiles. Whether you want the exterior of your home to be sleek and smooth or to appear covered in timber shakes, you can customise the shape and texture of the vinyl cladding! Secondly, vinyl can be coloured into any hue that you want, making it easy for homeowners to effortlessly match this inclusion to other elements of their residence for a cohesive appearance.

Basic maintenance requirements

If you are not an avid fan of cleaning your entire house meticulously, you could be willing to sacrifice form for function as most visually pleasing construction supplies tend to demand a high degree of maintenance to retain their pristine appearance. However, this is not the case with the vinyl external cladding. Firstly, the colour retention of this material is exceptional. Hence, you will not be required to engage in regular sealing to ensure that it does not fade since the vinyl cladding will remain unaffected by the exposure to harsh UV rays.

Additionally, this material is inherently waterproof. Thus, irrespective of the amount of precipitation it is exposed to, you can rest assured that it will not develop cosmetic damages. In terms of cleaning, all you would be required to do is hose down the cladding to get rid of dust. Stubborn splotches of mud and other forms of grime can be scrubbed away with come soapy water.


Colin's Construction Tips

Hello, my name is Colin and this is my construction blog. I am not a construction professional but I do take a keen interest in how to design and build different aspects of a residential home. My interest was sparked when I decided to install an extension on the back of my home in Sydney, Australia. I called in a couple of expert contractors who guided me through the entire process. I learnt so much that after the work was complete, I continued to read and research things. I decided to start this blog to help out others who are interested in construction.

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