Tips for Having Asbestos Removal Done When Demolishing a Structure

Posted on: 12 July 2022

If you are planning on demolishing a house, commercial building, or some other structure, you should make sure that you do not skip any steps. One step that you might not have known you need to take is asbestos removal. If you are someone who is ready to get your demolition done quickly, you may not have gone through demolition or asbestos removal processes before. These tips can help you have asbestos removal done the right way when you're demolishing a structure.

Don't Skip the Process

First of all, it might not really seem necessary to have asbestos removal done. You might understand why it's needed in a structure where you or others are going to be living, but you might not understand why it's needed for a structure that is going to be torn down anyway. However, if asbestos is not removed before a structure is torn down, the people who are working on the demolition project could be put at risk while they are working. Additionally, harmful asbestos could get into the ground and even leak into the groundwater, which could put others at risk. Lastly, you might be required to have asbestos removed before the demolition project can ever be approved and before you can get your permits. Therefore, even if you're tempted to skip this step, you shouldn't.

Have Testing Done First

Of course, you are already spending money on having the structure demolished, so you probably don't want to spend more money than is necessary. This means that you probably don't want to pay an asbestos removal service if it isn't necessary. Luckily, you can have asbestos testing done in the structure that you are planning on tearing down to determine whether or not testing is needed, to what extent and at what cost.

Have it Professionally Done

Even if you're planning on doing the demolition of the structure yourself — which can be quite dangerous — you should not handle asbestos removal on your own. This is because attempting to do so can put you at risk of very serious illness.

Have it Done in Advance

You might need to have your demolition done by a certain date, such as if the local government is requiring you to have a condemned building demolished or if you need to have it done in time to get a project started. Asbestos removal should be planned well in advance of the demolition date so that demolition can take place when scheduled without any delays.


Colin's Construction Tips

Hello, my name is Colin and this is my construction blog. I am not a construction professional but I do take a keen interest in how to design and build different aspects of a residential home. My interest was sparked when I decided to install an extension on the back of my home in Sydney, Australia. I called in a couple of expert contractors who guided me through the entire process. I learnt so much that after the work was complete, I continued to read and research things. I decided to start this blog to help out others who are interested in construction.

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