4 Reasons to Use Centrifugal Over Positive Displacement Water Pumps for Construction

Posted on: 22 November 2022

Construction sites often need to remove excess water that builds up thanks to anything from high water tables to heavy rainfall. Water pumps are necessary to make that happen quickly and easily, but not all water pumps offer the same benefits.

For construction purposes, you'll generally find yourself choosing between a centrifugal water pump or a positive displacement water pump. A centrifugal pump uses a rotating mechanism to create the pressure needed to move water, while positive displacement pumps have a flexible chamber that is expanded to draw in water and contracted to pump it out.

Both have their own benefits and drawbacks, but you'll typically find that centrifugal pumps are the best choice. Here are just four reasons why.

1. Smooth Operation

Since centrifugal water pumps lack the pulsing mechanism used by positive displacement water pumps, they operate far more smoothly. This reduces the amount of vibration created, which will in turn reduce any splashing and prevent vibrations from being transmitted to pipes and other parts of the site. This avoids damage and accidents. It also means you're unlikely to need additional equipment, such as pulsation dampeners.

2. Low Cost

There is a wide range of factors that can impact the cost of a water pump, especially when used for construction sites. However, one factor that can make a big difference is the basic mechanism you choose. Centrifugal pumps use a far more simplistic design than positive displacement pumps. Since there are fewer moving parts and the mechanics aren't as complicated, you'll generally find that a centrifugal pump will be less expensive than a positive displacement pump of equivalent power.

3. Low Maintenance

A water pump that uses few moving parts and a relatively simple design offers more than just lower upfront costs. Those design characteristics also help reduce maintenance requirements and prevent the need for repairs. As such, centrifugal pumps are less likely to eat up time and money by requiring regular maintenance or expensive repairs. This is particularly important when working on construction sites since the downtime can become significant whenever a water pump fails.

4. Compact Design

You'll generally find that centrifugal pumps can be made slightly smaller than positive displacement pumps. They also come in a wide range of shapes to fit different applications. This is very valuable on a construction site since the compact design allows for easier transportation and lets you fit a water pump easily even when dealing with space constraints.

Reach out to a company that offers centrifugal water pumps, such as Davey water pumps, for sale to learn more.


Colin's Construction Tips

Hello, my name is Colin and this is my construction blog. I am not a construction professional but I do take a keen interest in how to design and build different aspects of a residential home. My interest was sparked when I decided to install an extension on the back of my home in Sydney, Australia. I called in a couple of expert contractors who guided me through the entire process. I learnt so much that after the work was complete, I continued to read and research things. I decided to start this blog to help out others who are interested in construction.

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